+ What are the hours of operation?

Monday – Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday | 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

+ Who is eligible to use the pharmacy?

The Coalition Family Pharmacy is exclusive to employees, retirees, and dependents enrolled in sponsored insurance plans of Navajo Transitional Energy Company, Eagle Specialty Materials, and Peabody Energy.

+ How do I contact the pharmacy?

Please call 307-686-3835. If you are experiencing a medical emergency call 9-1-1.

+ Where is The Coalition Family Pharmacy located?

430 S. Medical Arts Court
Gillette, Wyoming 82716

+ What services does the pharmacy provide?

  • Exclusive to eligible employees, retirees, and dependents
  • Low cost generics and easy prescription transfers
  • 90-day fills priced same or lower than mail order
  • Mail order within Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and Colorado − FREE!
  • Personal pharmacy consultations
  • Medication refill synchronization services
  • We accept prescriptions from outside providers

+ How do I refill a prescription?

Online prescription refills are conveniently available for patients who have previously filled a prescription at our pharmacy.

  • To refill a prescription online, log into your account or create a new one at Walgreens.com.
  • Select “Refill Prescriptions.”
  • From the navigation menu, select "More" then click "Refill with Rx Number.”
  • Enter the Rx number then select “Continue.”
  • If you are already logged in, click here to go directly to the refill page to get started.

+ What if I don't see the Coalition Family Pharmacy as an option on Walgreens.com for refilling my prescription?

Online prescription refills are conveniently available to patients who have previously filled a prescription at our pharmacy. You must fill your prescription at the Coalition Family Pharmacy at least once before it will populate as a refill location option at Walgreens.com.

+ What medical plans are accepted?

The Coalition Family Pharmacy accepts the sponsored insurance plans of Navajo Transitional Energy Company, Eagle Specialty Materials, and Peabody Energy.

+ Is my health data secure and private? As my employer, will Premise Health have access to my medical records?

Your privacy is of the utmost importance. Your personal health information is protected in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules.

Providers working in the health center have access to your medical records. Select team members of the health center also have access to certain information as part of the normal data and claims process.

Due to the sensitive nature of this information, team members with access to health center data have undergone additional privacy training and are required to attest to confidentially requirements. They are only authorized to access the minimum information necessary to perform their job duties. Access to health center patient information is audited and any unauthorized access is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.